Legal Awareness For Nigeria Women (LANW)

Humanitarian Response And Support For Violent Attacks Affected Population In Zango-Kataf Local Government Area In Southern Kaduna, Kaduna State.

Donor: Christian Aid and STARTFUND

Key beneficiaries 

Displaced persons in  Mercy Camp Zonkwa and ECWA Widows school, Zangon Kataf LGA, Kaduna State. 

Achievements/ Impacts 

  • Baseline /Stakeholder engagement: LANW worked with the CA team and field enumerators in the conduct of baseline assessment to determine the target beneficiaries from the 12 identified communities and two IDP camps situated in Mercy Camp Zonkwa and ECWA Widows School, Samaru Kataf. Due to the insecurity situation as at the time of the exercise, as some of the communities were still being attacked, the assessment could only take place within the camps, with community members converging at the camps. 1,800 households were enumerated through the assessment. This exercise also afforded opportunity for the Project team to meet with some of the community leaders and camp leadership to introduce the project and intervention.                                                                                                                          
  • Sensitization for Households on GBV / Safeguarding Principles / Community Response Mechanism:  200 representatives of households from communities and the IDP camps were targeted through GBV awareness creation on how to prevent and respond to GBV incidences.  Participants were provided with contacts of the SARCs, Police and FIDA for referral in the event of any incidences. Community members were also sensitized on safeguarding principles to ensure beneficiaries are not being taken advantage of by project staff. The preferred CRM mode was discussed with the participants and their choice agreed for reporting any grievances and providing feedback on project implementation. The first choice for most community groups was through phone call followed by the record book at the Help Desk.  Phone numbers were provided for reporting any incidences in regards to any of the areas highlighted.                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  • Community Sensitization on Disaster Risk Reduction: 253 representatives of household members (202F, 51M & 21PWDs) were supported to have an understanding on approaches to Early Warning System, disaster risk reduction and encourage peace building initiatives.                                                                                                                                                                                                
  • Distribution of NFI / CASH and WASH Items: These activities were carried out simultaneously to beneficiaries from the 12 communities and two IDP cards within a space of 4 days. Cash of N11,000 was distributed to 1,800 beneficiaries each while NFIs and WASH items were shared to roughly 2,000 affected community members. The most vulnerable like the widows, aged, PWDs, women who put to bed in camp were prioritized in the distribution of NFIs like mattresses, blankets and mosquito nets.  Reusable female sanitary pads were also distributed to the neediest women as well as pampers for women with children within the ages of 0 – 3 years.

Other Interventions

The Nigeria and Afghanistan Localized Preparedness and Response (C19 NALPER) intervention aimed at mitigating primary and secondary impacts of COVID-19 on IDPs, Returnees and vulnerable populations in hard-to-reach areas was a 5-months (May – October, 2020) project that adopted the following approaches:

Improving Inclusive And Participatory Governance Systems In Kaduna And Anambra State is a governance project that seeks to strengthened democratic processes, support community groups towards engaging with government systems for improved service delivery as well as inclusion of marginalized groups in governance processes.

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